Are your skylights on your commercial building protected? Take a look at this recent devastating article. Please take the time to call us to secure your skylights and make it safe for workers on the roof. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who were affected by this accident.
Ocean Spray Worker Killed by Falling Through Skylight
In June 2015, a Denver firefighter risked his life to protect others. Because of an unprotected skylight, he lost his own life in the process. While battling a dumpster fire, the 46 year-old firefighter fell through a translucent fiberglass panel skylight on a corrugated metal roof he had climbed to investigate the spread of the fire. He died days later from injuries sustained in the fall.
Deaths like these are made all the more tragic because of how often they occur — and how easily they can be prevented. The recently released NIOSH Alert #2004-156 highlights five case studies, similar to this one, to illustrate how senseless these fatalities are and illustrate ways to ensure they don’t happen on your watch.
One of the easiest ways to prevent falls through skylights is to install the proven protection of skylight safety screens, like FallGuard®. Available for all brands of skylights, the 100% passive protection of OSHA-complaint FallGuard® Skylight Safety Screens has been proven for over 20 years. Contact us today for a free evaluation and quote.
Don’t wait for others to take action. It’s up to you to prevent the next tragic death.
Take the next step toward safety today.
More on Skylight Falls and Safety
Construction Concerns: Skylight Roof Panels
Choose FallGuard®:
- The ORIGINAL skylight safety screens proven for more than 20 years
- Eliminates the top deadliest accident – Falls
- Passive protection, no further action required
- Cost-effective
- Easy to install on existing skylights
- A FallGuard® for all brands of skylight
Install Your FallGuard® Before It’s Too Late.
A Matter of Life and Death.
If a skylight manufacturer claims his skylight is OSHA compliant without a guard, or you have an existing skylight with a sticker stating it meets OSHA Fall Protection, BEWARE! Do NOT be Misled.
Questions, concerns? Give Desert Valley Roofing a call: (702) 558-8775

One of our roofers tied down to the roof anchors and standing on the safety screen over the skylight.

Skylight with safety screen

Roof Anchors